CLIENT CATEGORY: Judgment entered against an Interstate Trucking Company
Whether you were injured in an accident or your property was damaged, your court judgment against an interstate trucking company is all that Brigham Law needs to begin successful collection efforts.
Advanced Resources and Legal Techniques
Trying to collect a judgment against a trucking company can drag on for years – unless a little-known legal remedy is applied that can get your trucking company judgment satisfied despite the company’s efforts to delay recovery.
In this unique judgment collection field, Don Brigham has an arsenal of tools that are not commonly used by the average collection agency. The Brigham Law Firm has the experience, resources and unique skills to maximize the amount recovered based on your court judgment against a trucking company.
If you are attempting to collect a judgment against an interstate trucking company, please contact judgment collection attorney Don Brigham for a free consultation to learn specifically how he can help.
Trucking Companies: Too Large to Challenge, or Too Small to Pin Down
Individuals acting to collect their own judgment quickly realize the difficulty in facing off with interstate trucking companies, no matter the size.
Dealing with huge trucking corporations requires skill and fortitude to avoid falling prey to their stall tactics.
Small, shadowy operations commonly hide behind shell companies used to obscure their assets. They often declare bankruptcy, only to resume operations under another name.
Regardless of size, the insurance company responsible for the claim may also refuse to pay, dragging their feet as they fight your court judgment.